Etza Meisyara
Devfto x ArtSociates
Etza Meisyara is an artist who lives and works in Bandung. She is concerned with the issue of conversion, which is studied in the artistic dimension relating to science and technology. Her foray into visual art was through the Intermedia Art Studio programme at the Bandung Institute of Technology, where she graduated with a masters in Art in 2016 and got a scholarship in Hochschüle fur Bildende Künste in Braunschweig, Germany. Etza continues to infuse her childhood passion in music through projects that combine sound art, installation and performance.
Sha has participated in group presentations such as ARTJOG MMXIX ‘Arts in Common’ in Jogjakarta, ‘Aurora’ in Liverppool, England (2018) and the 2016 Klank Kunst Sound Art Festival in Braunschweig, Germany. In 2017 Etza was a recipient of the fifth Bandung Contemporary Art Award (BaCaa), a biannual art prize presented by Artsociates and Lawangwangi Art Space.
The photopolymer intaglio technique was Etza’s main choice of exploration during her residency at Devfto Printmaking Institute.