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Mujahidin Nurrahman

Devfto x ArtSociates

Mujahidin Nurrahman (1982) has a BFA degree in printmaking major from the Bandung Institute of Technology. An artist who was born, lives and works in Bandung. During his long tenure in art, which has spanned over fifteen years now, he has regularly participated in many exhibitions around the world. Mujahidin's works are of immaculate artistry, as he painstakingly cut papers into intricate arabesque patterns from the images of rifles, bullets, and missile rockets. He displays high craftmanship to articulate the notions of anathema and disquietude out of an otherwise delicate and decorative appearance, seemingly free from strife.

Born into a devout Islam family, Mujahidin’s artworks mostly address his concern with Islam and its stigmatised image in the world’s eyes, and how Muslims are branded with acts of violence and terrorism. To quote his statement in the catalogue of Bandung Contemporary Art Award #3: “I depict one of the perceptions that the world has on Islam: behind the beauty, there is a strong perception of violence.”

Project Gallery

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